The other day my sister told me her church house 13 families (single women with children). How would the conversation go???
Let's pick Michael Moore for the moderator.
(Moore) Mr Clergy how is your church giving back to humanity, charities.? (Clergy) We house 13 families,the men in our church feed the homeless,we provide scholarships,after school tutoring, and we feed the homeless in out church basement. (Moore) Mr GB member, same question. (GB)We offer free bible study, so with our publication and bible study you will become a productive member of society. If you don't work you don't eat. (Moore) Mr GB what about the children, they are to young to work. (GB) That's the parents fault. We are preparing people for paradise. Why do you think we knock on your doors our carts on the streets, this world is doomed. Our WT and Awakes are the best thing for mankind today
(Moore) Didn't you folks make a ton of money from the sale of your HQ in N.Y???? (GB)We need that money for the printing of our publication that no one reads... (Moore) Are you insane??????